Vol 7, No 3 (2024)
Review Article
It has been more than six decades since Artificial Intelligence (AI) was introduced to outperform humans in accuracy and speed. Ever since, many algorithms have been developed that gained success in fulfilling the claims of AI. Their high speed and accuracy have made them perfect candidates for substituting humans in many settings. Even though AI has changed the face of many industries, its application in some others is still a subject of debate. Besides AI, which, over decades, has changed the face of industries for good, there is another phenomenon that has changed it: the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Unlike AI, this pandemic has changed every aspect of human life. Due to its fast spread through human contact, stay-inshelter orders have been placed to slow the person-to-person transmission. This is a source of concern for industries as many of them may fade away due to the pandemic. However, there is one industry at risk of burning out rather than fading away: the healthcare industry. Limited resources, on the one hand, and increased demand, on the other hand, have made the healthcare industry one of the main victims of the pandemic. Emergency departments are flooded with patients, yet non-emergent medical services have been nearly shut down. Therefore, solutions are sought to help both lighten the burden on emergency departments and facilitate providing non-emergent medical services. AI and automated systems can be the key to such solutions. They have proved their efficacy in many instances in the healthcare industry, from emergency department triage to assisting surgeries. Thus far, their widespread use has been halted due to legal and ethical debates. However, the COVID-19 pandemic can be a turning point in the integration of AI into the healthcare system, just as improving AI integration with healthcare can be a turning point in this pandemic. Herein, we overview how AI can help deliver non-emergent medical services during the pandemic and possibly thereafter
A novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) have raised in Whuan in December 2019. This disease kept spreading rapidly until World Health Organization have declared a pandemic on COVID-19. Despite all the efforts made there are no definite treatments for this disease. Recent papers on pathophysiology of COVID-19 have shown possible mechanism of T-Cell exhaustion caused by virus is responsible for lymphopenia observed in these patients. PD-1/PD-L1 have a major role in T-Cell exhaustion so we have proposed targeting PD-1/PD-L1 using anti-PD-1/PD-L1 agent. Using anti-PD-1/PD-L1 agents including Pembrolizumab and Nivolumab could potentially decrease T-Cell exhaustion and increases survival of COVID-19 patients. In order to overcome the shortcoming of this approach we have proposed using clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated protein 9 (Cas9) which can be highly efficient in targeting PD-1/PD-L1. Using CRISPR/Cas9 in this regard could be more efficient, feasible and economical and potentially lower side effects. In conclusion targeting PD-1/PD-L1 through approved medications or CRISPR/Cas9, in order to block their interactions, may remarkably prevent the cytotoxic lymphocytes functional exhaustion, especially CD8+ T-cells and help to decrease the mortality rate in COVID-19 patients. In addition, to evaluate the clinical outcome of using anti-PD-1/PD-L1 agents or CRISPR/Cas9 system in COVID-19 patients, it is recommended to measure lymphocyte, CD8+ T-cells, NK cells and total T-cells count.
The development of COVID-19 vaccines with high efficacy has given people hope to overcome the pandemic. However, the increasing number of reports of side effects could affect the number of people who are adherent to vaccination. In most cases, pain, fever, and fatigue have been reported, which is the normal side effect of many vaccines. More serious side effects have also been reported, such as Guillain-Barre syndrome, thrombotic thrombocytopenia, anaphylaxis, and death. Although these side effects seem to be lethal, they are rare, and vaccination is the most efficient strategy to overcome this disease.
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic inflicted a considerable burden on health systems and individuals worldwide. Thus, scientists intended to propose beneficial treatments and vaccines to fight against this virus. However, vaccination remained the only effective way to reduce death and hospitalization due to COVID-19 infection. To date, about five proposed COVID-19 vaccines have been approved as WHO emergency use listings (EUL). Yet, their safety profile needs the following actions to be revealed: (1) more follow-up registry systems and (2) global clinical trials in various countries in a period that they are experiencing a peak. By searching keywords 'COVID-19' and 'vaccination' in PubMed and Scopus databases, we aimed to summarize the current evidence in the literature regarding the safety profile (i.e., local and systemic adverse events) of ten COVID-19 vaccines: (1) Pfizer/BioNTech, (2) Moderna, (3) Sputnik V, (4) Bharat, (5) CanSino, (6) Sinovac, (7) AstraZeneca, (8) Johnson & Johnson, (9) Novavax, and (10) Sinopharm. Moreover, we demonstrated the data on the safety of heterologous schedules of these vaccines alongside further considerations in people with comorbidities and particular circumstances. Most of the COVID-19 vaccine adverse effects possess a mild-to-moderate, self-limiting nature. However, special circumstances such as severe hyper-sensitivity necessitate the use of an alternate COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccination is the only way to exit the global pandemic, and its benefits outweigh its adverse effects. Meanwhile, people should be aware of the signs of the probable rare, severe reactions to the vaccine.
Currently, the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is one of the global challenges that remains inadequately addressed and is not being treated effectively. It is essential to acknowledge the role of supplements in strengthening the immune system to reduce the risk of infection. Food provides a well-established source of adequate macronutrients and micronutrients, all essential for the proper functioning of the immune system. Among the micronutrients, vitamins A, C, D, E, and B play crucial roles in the immune system's effective response to infections. This study explores the role of vitamins in the immune system and their impact on defense against COVID-19.
The new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is a global health problem that appeared in late 2019 through severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). This perplexing virus has a high infection rate, and with no specific treatment, the mortality and morbidity rates are rapidly increasing. Moreover, the new virus variant, which is more contagious and has a higher mortality rate than previous variants, has been detected in the United Kingdom. There are few vaccines at clinical stages. However, the distancing, track, and trace will stay with us for at least the next few years. Hence, detecting symptomatic and asymptomatic patients through accurate detective tests such as molecular and serological assays and quarantine is the only preventive method that can be used for controlling the pandemic. It is essential to use highly accurate tests to decrease the number of false negative and false positive results. This research aimed to highlight and critically assess the specificity and sensitivity of coronavirus tests available for detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Currently, this is a multibillion-dollar industry, and many tests enter the clinical setting without having fully been validated.
Mass vaccination against COVID-19 infection has been able to substantially alleviate the consequent mortalities and the spread of the disease. The paced design and administration of novel mRNA-based vaccines paved the way for the production against cancers and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Various side effects, lethal in some instances, are described for COVID-19 vaccines, including the instigation of incidence or relapse of autoimmune disorders, including autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). Molecular mimicry with the spike protein S1 and cross-reactions, adjuvants-induced autoimmune/autoinflammatory syndrome, epitope spreading, and bystander activation are among the molecular mechanisms that are hypothesized to mediate vaccine-induced autoimmunity. Pathological and serologic evaluations of patients with liver injury following COVID-19 vaccination have displayed that most cases can be categorized as probable or definite for the diagnosis of AIH. AIH and AIH-like liver injuries following COVID-19 vaccination are generally manageable with the administration of corticosteroids and other immunosuppressive therapies if required. Data on the safety of subsequent vaccination is scarce; however, vaccination during maintenance therapy with steroids seems safe. More importantly, the recognition of asymptomatic cases with altered liver aminotransferase levels necessitates the design of prospective cohorts to assess the long-term consequences of sub-clinical liver dysfunction induced by COVID-19 vaccines.
Original Article
Background: There are few reports related to the possible side effects of injected vaccines, and evaluating the frequency and severity of the complications of COVID-19 vaccines can increase the knowledge, safety and importance of vaccines and reduce mistrust towards them. Therefore, we assessed the frequency and severity of the complications of COVID-19 vaccines in the medical staff of Khatam Al-Anbia and Ali Ibn Abi Talib hospitals in Zahedan.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 200 medical staff working in two hospitals, Khatam Al Anbia and Ali Bin Abitalib Zahedan were studied. The frequency of side effects after COVID-19 vaccination was recorded in the questionnaire.
Results: The distribution of the frequency of the type of vaccine received in the studied treatment group is equal to 83 people (41.5%) AstraZeneca vaccine, 82 people (41%) Sinopharm vaccine, 22 people (11%) Sputnik vaccine and 13 people (6.5 %) had received Barekat vaccine. The frequency distribution of side effects in the first dose and the second dose after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine was equal to 135 people (67.5%) and 96 people (48%), respectively. Distribution of the percentage of the type of side effect that occurred after receiving the first dose of COVID-19, according to fever (80.7%), headache (46.7%), weakness (40%), disorder Sleep (33.3%), myalgia (n19.2%), sweating (10.3%), dizziness (9.6%), tachycardia (18.8%), sore throat (6.7%), chest pain (5.2%), arthralgia (5.2%), rhinorrhea (3.7%), diarrhea (2.9%) and loss of appetite (2.9%).
Conclusions: It can be stated that the COVID-19 vaccine did not show severe side effects and with timely management and supportive treatment and control of side effects, patients were encouraged to get vaccinated and as a result, the collective immunity level of the society improved.