Review Article

Impact of Herbal Medicine and Probiotics in Pediatric Asthma


Asthma, a prevalent chronic condition in children, poses significant challenges in management. While conventional treatments like inhaled corticosteroids and beta-agonists are standard, there is increasing interest in the role of herbal medicine and probiotics as complementary therapies. This paper reviews the impact of herbal remedies—such as Butterbur, Ginger, Turmeric, Boswellia, Licorice, and Ephedra—and probiotics on pediatric asthma. Evidence suggests these therapies may reduce inflammation and improve respiratory function, potentially benefiting asthma management. However, variability in product quality and study designs necessitates further research. Future studies should focus on validating these interventions through rigorous clinical trials to better integrate herbal medicine and probiotics into comprehensive asthma care for children.

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Herbal remedies Probiotics Asthma Respiratory Disorder

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Zojaji YFS, Erfanian N, Ebrahimpour Y, Khatami S, Tafrishi R, Ahanchian H. Impact of Herbal Medicine and Probiotics in Pediatric Asthma. Immunol Genet J. 2024;7(1):1-10.