Case Report

Stridor, Snoring and Sleep Apnea in a Three-Year-Old Girl: Report of a Patient with Follicular Lymphoid Hyperplasia


The present study describes a three-year-old girl who was referred to us due to stridor and snoring from
one week of age and progressive worsening of sleep apnea two months before our visit. Gastroesophageal
reflux disease was ruled out due to being unresponsiveness to treatment. Laryngomalacia was also ruled out
because the symptoms and signs were aggravated by passing the time. The presence of a vascular ring was
also overruled by echocardiography. Direct laryngoscopy and bronchoscopy were performed to investigate
the vocal cord paralysis, glottic stenosis, airway foreign body, adenotonsillar hypertrophy, nasopharyngeal
mass, and tracheal stenosis as the etiology. A tonsillar mass was found by them which was confirmed by
CT scan. The surgical excision of the mass resulted in the complete resolution of the signs and symptoms.
The pathologic studies of the resected mass found it to be follicular lymphoid hyperplasia (FLH), the most
common benign lymphoid reaction of the nasopharynx area.

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IssueVol 5, No 4 (2022) QRcode
SectionCase Report
Follicular Lymphoid Hyperplasia Sleep Apnea Snoring Pediatric Tonsillar Mass

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How to Cite
Modaresi MR, Tarighat Monfared F. Stridor, Snoring and Sleep Apnea in a Three-Year-Old Girl: Report of a Patient with Follicular Lymphoid Hyperplasia. Immunol Genet J. 2022;5(4):159-163.